måndag 29 december 2014
Hi everyone!
It has been a while now, and the reason for that is that I am more active on Instagram now, and most of my creations are published there. But I have some news that I would like to share with you here on my page too. As some of you already know I have been building up a new studio. After we moved to the house we are living in now, I did not have a studio for almost 2 years. But after great teamwork between me and my husband, the studio where finished this autumn.
Well, all sudden I got an email from a journalist from Harris Publications in New York city, that they had seen my studio and wonder if I would participate in a brans new craft magazine with my studio. And of course I said YES to that. So after lots and lots of decoration , photoshoots and interview the Magazine is finally here.....And I am so HAPPY that I had the chance to be a part of such a great team of crafters and journalists. The magazine can be bought at Barnes and Noble , where craft magazines are sold, and you can even find it at Target ( have I heard).
Here is a sneak peak of the article. My studio article is covered on 6 pages in the magazine :)
And here is the magazine:)
måndag 26 augusti 2013
Cakes, cakes and more cakes
Hi everyone
After months away from the blog, I think it is time to update a little bit.
I still have not got my craftstudio done, but within two months it will be up to date (I HOPE)
First out is the cakes I have made lately.
Numero uno is a cake I made this weekend to our friends little daughter.
Everything is handmade by me I have used sugarpaste and marzipan for the decoration, even white flowerpaste to make the colours lighter.
The Little mouse is my own design, and the dress is made out of flowerpaste
The whole cake.
Details of the dress
When the decorations where almost done.
Number 2 is for my sister in laws graduating. Also this one decorated by me.
Flowers and bows.Made out of sugarpast
Pearls for girls
The whole cake
The ribbon at the bottom. I mixed White flowerpaste and pink sugarpaste to make different shades.
And the last one is for mothersday this year, to all the mums I love so much. Grandma, mum, mother in law, grandmother in law…
And I thought it was enough to just put an M on it for Mother
The centerpiece
And the whole cake
Thats it for now. Have a great day, and thank you so much for following me.
You can also find me at my open profile on Instagram, where I update almost Daily.
INSTAGRAM = Marthescorner.

söndag 18 november 2012
My first cake
Well, first of all I have to admit, that I am not a baker. My mum tried to make me interested in both cooking and baking when I was younger, but I thought it was boring, took to much time to finish, and I had a lot of other interests.
But, my dear Joakim turned 26 today, so last night I made this cake.
It is the absolute first cake I have made in my intire life.....
First I filled the cake with strawberries in the bottom, mashed banana in the second together with vanillacream, and on the very top ( before I put on the marzipan), I coated on a layer with more vanillacream.
Then I just coated it with a thin layer of white marzipan.
Around the bottom I made a flower ribbon, and a sign with the name og the birthdayboy:)
After that I cut out one big green heart and placed it in the center on top.
I made one more in pink, but cut out a zig zag pattern and made it look like a little jacket that I placed on top of the green one.
After cutting out, stamping and placing all the decoration, I finished it all with som eatable silver pearls.
I guess it is not something special, but it is a start....
I wanted to share it with you anyways, since this is one way of creativity.
I loved to make it, and maybe I will make many, many more in the future as well??
I promise to come back here more often, but after getting two little kittens, and a house, there is things to do everyday.
I am very glad that you are still here with me, and hope you all still enjoy my crafting.
Have a great night, and day, and week.
torsdag 23 augusti 2012
Redcurrant lemonade from our own garden
One day I saw two big redcurrant trees, with the most red and delicious berries you can imagine.
Me, my mum and some of my brothers kids went out one day picking them.
M husband had an old recipe on how to make redcurrant lemonade/juice.
So after a three day process, we had about 6 litres of very tasty lemonade.
I bought some oldfashion glassbottles, decorated them with a text made on my cricut ( vinyl) saying: Niemis own redcurrant lemonade.
I think the bottles are decorating, and it is fun to make something so tasty from stuff in our garden.
i am actually pretty proud:)
Now we are celebrating our first summer in our new home, with a garden that make us smile every day...
Have a GREAT day, and enjoy the rest of the summer.
fredag 23 december 2011
Anna Emilie
My sister just got a new babybirl, a beautyful little princess. We just adore her, and she has stolen our hearts already.
I wanted to make her something special, something just for her. Therefore I made this little stool.
I used techniques like decopage with napkins, acrylic painting and rubons.

Close up of the details. Anna is painted with acrylic paint, but emilie is placed there with rub-ons

The angel is an angel from a napkin that my mother had. I just love the cute angel face. I decopaged it on the corner.

I found these stools in a second hand store. Here you see the origial one, and then the one I made

They are really cute and small. Perfect for Annas doll when she gets older.

From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you all a peaceful and joyful christmas.
Christmashugs from ME 2 U!!
I wanted to make her something special, something just for her. Therefore I made this little stool.
I used techniques like decopage with napkins, acrylic painting and rubons.

Close up of the details. Anna is painted with acrylic paint, but emilie is placed there with rub-ons

The angel is an angel from a napkin that my mother had. I just love the cute angel face. I decopaged it on the corner.

I found these stools in a second hand store. Here you see the origial one, and then the one I made

They are really cute and small. Perfect for Annas doll when she gets older.

From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you all a peaceful and joyful christmas.
Christmashugs from ME 2 U!!
söndag 16 oktober 2011
My Metal star

Now I finally tried out the aliminiumtape from Biltema.

I made my folded paperstar out of two scrapbookpages that I covered with bites of the aluminiumtape in different sizes.

After I folded it I took a needle and pierced along the edges and the overlaps.

Then I took black acrylic paint and dabbed on the whole star and wiped away some of it! The decoration is simpel with paperflowers and pearls, and a rub on saying friends
Have a great evening!
söndag 2 oktober 2011
How I organize my liquid pearls, stickles and glitters

I was sick and tired of them standing on a loooooong line on my shelves, so I figured it was time to make a rack for them

As you can see I made it like a staircase. I made it out of woodsticks ( a little thicker and longer than popsicle sticks)

I think it turned out pretty good. And If you want to you can paint it in the colour you want. I am thinking about a metallic paint, to make it look like iron, or just a sweet pink colour ( I will never stop loving pink)

I just LOVE all the new colours on liquid pearls, and even the the ¨new old ones¨are a little bit different from the old ones, so I have sooo many colours now..

On the elfa shelves.
Well, hope you like my new organizingracks for my blingblings
Have a wonderwol night everyone:)
xoxox Marthe
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